CLICK ON PIC ⬆️⤴️ What the Heck is N🚫 Alumni?

CLICK ON PIC ⬆️⤴️ What the Heck is N🚫 Alumni?

🎓 College is wonderful and necessary for many people, but it is not for everyone. I was marginalized at a young age & made fun of for choosing a non-traditional path in the trades. We are an up-start, national lifestyle brand with three simple yet critical and consequential goals based on the acronym "PIE". Who doesn't 💚 PIE❓ 

We exist to...

1️⃣ Promote the state of our nation and of the modern workforce and to make known the needs and opportunities available for those who choose to not go to college.. 

2️⃣ Illuminate the paths, stories and journeys of those who identify with our brand. This helps build community, galvanize like minded individuals & inspire others to action.

3️⃣ Equip businesses and individuals to be the very best version of themselves by offering cutting-edge, hands-on training, relevant and inspiring education and facilitate and offer connections in ways our culture has not yet seen. 

Whether your journey is working at a fast food restaurant, and two months later, you are an assistant store manager, to the trades person who now runs a multi-million dollar construction company, No Alumni is who YOU are to the bones. 

We all play a part, we all have value, we all need one another...


- Greg Snyder (Co-founder)

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